How much does Sheddit cost?

Sheddit is currently provided free of charge.

Given the ongoing nature of a project such as this, however, we may charge a fee in the future to help towards the overheads and time spent on continuing development. Whatever happens, it will only be done in consultation with the community and will likely be the cheapest recurring charge a vendor such as Apple allows us to charge.

What makes Sheddit different?

Sheddit has a lot in common with other Reddit extensions. We all want to improve or augment the Reddit experience and make using the website a joy again. There are two main things that set us apart from other extensions.

Firstly, Sheddit leans into the new Reddit experience found at https://sh.reddit.com. This experience can be seen across the main Reddit website when you are in a logged out state, but there seems to be some reluctance to extend this experience to logged in users.

Second, we're obsessed with user experience and performance. Elements flashing on the screen or layout shifts or partial page loads due to injected code is not acceptable to us. We provide browser-level redirects and request blocking, as well always ensuring that our scripts clean up after themselves and run at the appropriate time in the document lifecycle.

What platforms do you support?

Currently, we only support Safari on iOS.

We hope to add more platforms soon, and due to the recent collaboration between vendors in the browser extension space, we're optimistic that Sheddit can be ported to multiple platforms easily.

If you want to have your say, please fill out the feedback form with your desired platform.

Is Sheddit open source?

The Sheddit codebase is not currently open source, but we may take this step in the future.

We care deeply about the open source community – this project couldn't exist without it! For anyone who has specific concerns about this project being closed source, the extension code can be viewed in Safari developer tools and each release must be approved by Apple before it gets into the hands of users.

I've found a bug, how do I report it?

We're sorry that you've had an issue! Bug reports can be sent through the feedback form.

If the issue you're experiencing is severly impacting your experience on Reddit, you can disable the extension by following these steps.

How do I provide general feedback?

If you have any ideas or feature request, you can complete the feedback form.